Friday, August 21, 2009


* photo source:

Earlier today, I was riding a V-hire (public utility van) going to work. As i was travelling i noticed that along the Reclamation Area it was too hot and most of the people there would desperately look for a shade to escape the Sun's blistering heat.

I noticed that there were very few trees left around that area, most trees were planted in the middle of the street along the island to separate the vehicles going opposite ways.

I arrived in one of the famous malls in Cebu and also noticed that street beggars running towards those cars who would stop and try to beg for money of food. Once the the traffic light turns green those children would crample on a small shade to escape the heat of the sun.

Weather pattern around the world isn't normal anymore, big factor is the Global Warming. Let's plant more trees so that we can have more shades, have a more fresher air, more on everything.

Hopefully there will be more trees in the future, for our future generations sake and to have a healthy mother earth.

Save Mother Nature!

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